24 Mar 2024
The 2024 International Conference on Materials for Green Future is be held during March 2024 and is hosted in the largest Island city of Thailand, Phuket. |
May 2018 |
The 2018 International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Sustainable Technologies (AM&ST18) organized by Ziqi Sun et al. will be held in Brisbane Australia during 22-25 July 2018. Welcome to attend! |
21 Dec 2017 |
Our review article on 2D metal oxide nanomaterials for next-generation rechargeable batteries published in Advanced Materials has been highlighted as a frontpiece. |
21 Dec 2017 |
Prof. Xiaomin Peng Joined Ziqi's Group as a visiting professor, welcome! |
5 Dec 2017 |
Mr Tao Zhao Joined Ziqi's group as an exchange PhD student, welcome! |
6 Oct 2017 |
Ziqi has been appointed as the Editor of Sustainable Materials and Technologies published by Elsevier Group - it has been confirmed to be indexed by SCIE from next year. Currently the CiteScore is 5.22! Welcome to submit! |
3 May 2017 |
Ziqi has been appointed as the Associate Editor of Surface Innovations - a SCI indexed scientific journal (IF = 1.438) published by ICE Publishing. |
April 2017 |
Ziqi's work on bio-inspired photonic nanostructures has been introduced by Australian Optical Society. |
3 March 2017 |
our work on fish gill inspired spilled-oil cleaning technology has been reported by Chemical and Engineering News.
26 Dec 2016 |
Dr Can Cao Joined Ziqi's group as a CSC visiting fellow. Welcome! |
10 Dec 2016 |
Our work on fly-eye bio-inspired nanomaterials with extraordinary optical properties has gained media focus by Brisbane Times.
Based on Z. Sun et al. Mater. Today Chem., http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468519416300623. |
4 Dec 2016 |
Ziqi had an article on new materials for lithium-ion batteries in a public magazine - Australian Resources and Investment. |
15 Nov 2016 |
Mr Jun Mei Joined Ziqi's group as a PhD student. Welcome! |
20 Oct 2016 |
Ziqi has been appointed as an Editorial Committee Member of Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Published by Elsevier and Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science. |
7 Jul 2016 |
Mr Yuanwen Zhang joined Ziqi's group as a PhD student. Welcome! |
5 Jul 2016 |
Mr Hui Dong Joined Ziqi's group as a visiting PhD student. Welcome! |
30 Oct 2015
The team involving Ziqi as the second CI has won the competitive ARC 2016 Discovery Project (DP160102627) with granted funding of $610,000.
UOW News
2 June, 2014 |
http://media.uow.edu.au/news/UOW172664.html Researchers have discovered the eye of the fly may hold the key to anti-fogging materials.Self-cleaning windows and glasses that don’t fog up are among the innovative applications that could soon appear after UOW researchers turned to the common house fly for the inspiration behind a new anti-fogging material. ...
Based on Z. Sun et al. "Fly-eye inspired superhydrophobic anti-fogginginorganic nanostructures,” Small, 10, 3001-3006 (2014)
ABC Science News
"Fly-eyes' could reduce glass fogging"
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
An anti-fog coating modelled on the nano-structure of a fly eye could one day be used on windows for cars, planes and buildings, say researchers.
The coating could also protect electricity or telecommunication networks from freezing, suggests new research published in the journal Small.
Being superhydrophobic means water cannot wet the material and this paves the way for it being used for anti-fogging, and also anti-freezing, anti-corrosive and self-cleaning, say the researchers. .... .....
Based on Z. Sun et al. "Fly-eye inspired superhydrophobic anti-fogginginorganic nanostructures,” Small, 10, 3001-3006 (2014) |
Oct. 24-29 2014 |
Ziqi has given an invited talk in the Second International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICYRAM), Haikou, Hainan, China. |
TMS News
Ziqi Sun has been chosen as one of the six recipients for the TMS FMD YL Development Award
16 Mar. 2015
Dr. Ziqi Sun has been chosen as recipient for the 2015 TMS FMD Young Leader Professional Development Award.
This award was created to enhance the professional development of dynamic young people from TMS' five technical divisions by helping them participate in Society activities, become better acquainted, make important contacts with TMS leaders, and network with prominent Society members. This is an exciting opportunity to acquaint Ziqi with the business of his technical division while enhancing his professional growth. This award is made possible through generous donations to the TMS Foundations
Illawarra Mercury News paper
(Local Newspapers)
UOW researchers look into fly eyes
1 June 2014
Researchers at the University of Wollongong have looked deep into the eyes of the common house fly to find out how the insects see clearly in moist environments without fogging up and how bespectacled humans might do the same.
Seen under high-powered microscopes, the fly's eye is made up of thousands of tiny hexagon-type shapes, containing still more - even tinier - hexagons.....
UOW News
13 May, 2014
A range of new and more powerful tiny electronic devices could be possible following the development by University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers of an innovative new method of building two-dimensional materials the thickness of a single atom.
Dr Ziqi Sun said the technology could have rewarding applications in energy generation and storage. ...
Based on Z. Sun et al. "Generalized self-assembly of scalable two-dimensionaltransition metal oxide nanosheets,” Nature Communications, 5, 3813 (2014) |